30 Jul
5 Lower Body Exercises to Target Hips, Thighs and Waistline

All men and women know that the most stubborn category of fat resides in hips, thighs and waist. No matter if you are a teenager, an adult or a new mother; these areas are typically to lose weight from. You need to couple good diet with spot reducing exercises as suggested by your fitness trainer that will help lose the extra weight from these target areas. 

  1. High-Intensity interval training or HIIT – one of the most famous workouts to burn stubborn fat is HIIT. Why it works is because it is high on the intensity, has a resting interval and keeps your heart rate up. Not only that, it is really easy to do at home as well. However, if you just gave birth or had a surgery, it is best to ask your doctor before resuming it. It includes exercises such as push-ups; sit up and jumping jacks which up your heart rate and focus on the problematic areas.

  1. Weight lifting – Most gym trainer for men suggest this exercise to men who are trying to pack on some abs or to work their bicep. However, this exercise is so effective for mums and women too who are trying to lose stubborn weight in the abdomen and bottom. Why it works so well is that helps to couple up your muscles and work them. You can also join it with another exercise, like squats with dumbbells, chest raises and lunges with weights. 

  1. Zumba or Aerobics – This may sound like a silly exercise, but it is one of the most fun and effective workout that helps to target your abdomen and thighs. Why it works is that it moves your whole body but most importantly your lower body too. You can easily do it at the comfort of your home, or even at the gym. It is for people who want to start gently but do not want to do typical gym exercises. 

  1. Tabata Workout: Lots of gym workout trainers also introduce tabata in their sessions. It is one form of HIIT, but their interval is a little different. This workout helps to work on your muscles, makes you more flexible, and helps improve strength. Basically, you work out for straight 20 seconds, rest for the next 10 seconds and repeat it for 8 rounds. In these 20 seconds, you need to push yourself very hard. It includes workouts like burpees, climbers, squats and push-ups, all of which focus on your lower body. 

  1. Sports or Other Exercises – A lot of people cannot head to the gym does not means they cannot lose weight. For such people, there are plenty of sports according to their endurance which can be selected. Such as, swimming, cycling, jogging or something simple as walk. These exercises have also proven to show results drastically depending upon the intensity and duration of it. The bottom line is to be consistent and keep challenging your body to do more. That is how you can achieve your goal. 

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